Sunday, June 2, 2019

Hello Everyone,

Here is the last week of school schedule. It has been such a pleasure to work with your children and be their teacher this year, and I have appreciated and enjoyed all of the wonderful parent support. We are looking forward to a fun last week and will be finishing the few academic requirements we still have this Monday.

*There is no homework this last week of school:)

Talent Show: Tuesday June 4th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 with a break at 10:15

4/5 Creek Day: Wednesday June 5th, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00
*We could use one more parent volunteer if at all possible.
*Please be sure your child has a towel and sun screen (if it's sunny), a hat, etc.
*It can be chilly down there so layers are a good idea.

4/5 Report Cards: go home with your child along with items from their desks.

5/6 Grade Graduation: Wednesday evening June 5th, 5:00

Last Day of School: Thursday June 6th-- 7:30 pancake breakfast; 9:30 awards ceremony; 10:30 6th grade parent and staff softball game; 12:30 dismissal

**We need volunteers to help with last minute packing/boxing up classroom materials for our move. If you can help us procure some cardboard boxes, sort, divide up, organize, pack, label, etc., please let us know. As always, it is very appreciated. 

Have a wonderful summer!

