Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope all of you and your families are well.

Thank you for your partnership last week and in the weeks to come as we embark upon distance learning. It has been very different from what we are all accustomed to. Your adaptability and flexibility are very appreciated.

Here are the participation and expectations for distance learning:

Participation and Expectations:
    1. Participation in each content area is expected and grades will be assigned.
    2. We are committed to engaging student learning as a Mountain School community.
    3. We embrace the challenge to help prepare students to return to on-campus learning. 
    4. It is invaluable that students continue to participate in teacher-led learning so that their academic skills can be maintained and increased. Zoom, etc.
    5. Performance Assessment/Grades: teachers will track participation and submitted work so that students receive credit for at-home learning.

The office is open this week from 8:30-2:30 with social distancing protocols still in place. We will be closed for spring break April 6-10

This week I am continuing with a pdf or paper packet option of classwork and homework in the content domains of:

1. Spelling and grammar
2. Math lesson, workbook practice, extra practice homework, and test B

Digital assignments on google classroom will include:
1. Science
2. History
3. Reading
4. Writing

Again, thank you for your partnership and flexibility.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the Fourth Grade Distance Learning website--a work in progress.  During these unprecedented times, we all have to adjust to a new way of work, school, and life!  The purpose of this new website is to keep students engaged in their learning, connected to school, and to minimize learning loss.  The goal of the resources provided is to give students and parents some options for educational activities each day and to keep us connected. 
We do not know how the next few weeks will look, so this is the first step in maintaining fourth grade learning and continuing to cultivate the enthusiasm for school that every student has!  Please know, there is NO expectation that parents will be able to replicate what happens each day in fourth grade. I  want to provide some resource recommendations and specific assignments for parents and students to access readily, create learning opportunities, and maintain the momentum in learning from this year.
On this website, I will be using Google Classroom (as usual) to assign lessons and practice and to keep students connected to: our classroom, other sites we currently use, log in information, instructions and their teacher. All students are familiar with Google Classroom and can log on to assignments and sites we use regularly.   The Digital and distance learning website which will provide additional resources are new to us all. I will do my best to support everyone as needed. Distance learning for fourth grade will be predominately digital. However, the items below are things I am recommending you pick up to enhance the experience and to keep your child moving forward with their learning.
Pick up for your child's: chrome book, its charger, blue binder and red binder, and the Singapore textbook A and B on Thursday, 3/19/20, between the hours of 10:00-12:00.  We are attempting to minimize heavy traffic to the office and maintain social distancing protocols. Shauna has prepared these items for every student and those items are on your child's desk.  Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or challenges. If you need to come by Wednesday, Sharon can show you into the classroom and you can collect your child's things.
I hope that this new site will help familiarize you with what distance learning might look like in your home.  As always, it is important to develop routines throughout the day, including the time and space that your child will use to settle into their learning time. This is a new frontier for all of us, and we will move forward together in the best way possible learning as we go, making some mistakes as well as brilliant discoveries along the way. I will continue to add on and build content, lessons, assignments and other resources over time.
I already miss all of my students and their smiling faces and hope that we will return to our normal routines and lives soon.
Thank you all for your flexibility, adaptability, and trust in this process. 