Friday, December 11, 2020

 Hello Everyone,

As you know, we will be taking the i-Ready math diagnostic this week to assess your child's math skills:

Tuesday 12/15, Wednesday 12/16 and Thursday 12/17 8:30 - 9:30
-Students should have The Sign of the Beaver novel by their sides to silently read when they have finished each day's section of the diagnostic.

8:30 students will log onto our classroom zoom as usual
-I will share the link to the i-Ready site and get students oriented
8:45 we will begin the assessment
(it will run approximately 30 minutes on T, W, TH)

We will do this assessment in 2 groups in breakout rooms on zoom for the 3 days until we have completed the assessment. 

Please be sure your child:
1. has a good breakfast
2. has a quiet area on zoom from 8:30-9:30
3. has paper and pencil
4. tries their best and doesn't stress--it's not for a grade but for assigning them good-fit practice for math going forward
5. feels supported but completes the assessment completely independently

**I will send out a personal email to each family with your child's username and password on Monday. Please do not start the assessment prior to our class logging on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Weekly assignments:

Math: improper fractions

History: explorers

Reading: Reading Log and The Sign of the Beaver novel


Thank you for your support with the diagnostic and weekly assignments. If you have questions, please let me know.

Here's to a great last week and a happy, healthy break.



Sunday, December 6, 2020

Hello Everyone,

We are starting a novel by Elizabeth George Speare this week called The Sign of the Beaver to complement our study of California Native Americans.  If you have not picked up the copy that was left on the 4th grade table, please do so on Monday so that your child can keep up with the reading of this great book.

-Reading log: this week we have a reading log which asks comprehension questions about the novel.

-Math: mixed numbers this week and will look at improper fractions next week.

-History: California Native Americans this week and next.

-We have 2 weeks of school before we break for the winter holiday. Our last day is December 18th.

Winter Break: Monday December 21, 2020 - Tuesday January 5th, 2021

**Our first day back is Wednesday January 6th, 2021.

iReady diagnostic:

I will be giving the iReady (online) math diagnostic to your child next Tuesday-Thursday in approximately 3 half hour blocks on zoom. There will be about 10 children in a breakout room with me and one with Shauna. This is a diagnostic to evaluate your child's math skills thus far.  It is not graded and is not recorded on report cards. That said, it is extremely important that your child complete the diagnostic on their own with no parent help.  This diagnostic's purpose is to help the teacher understand what kinds of skills your child has developed in mathematics and to give them the appropriate differentiated practice that is just right for them.  It will be important that your child have a quiet uninterrupted space to complete each session on Tuesday 12/15, Wednesday 12/16 and Thursday 12/17 from about 9:00-9:30. Because this takes place during our regularly scheduled zooms, I hope that it will be convenient and easy for everyone. 

As a parent, you do not need to be present, and it is best if you are in the background rather than coaching, nodding, giving hints, etc. Any of those kinds of parent (very well intending) supports may prevent a diagnostic result that is best for the student. We want to be sure that your child will be getting assignments and practice that fits them as perfectly as possible. Any additional help will skew those results. Encouraging your child to just do the best they can, is really the best approach. Some problems will be easy, others hard, some just right, and we need nothing from them but their best effort. 

I will be explaining the diagnostic to them, and we will be practicing logging on so that they can take the diagnostic on their chrome books during zoom next week. As it is a brand new assessment to me and the intermediate school, I will be educating myself, you and your child at the same time. We're in this together, and I will do my best to make it as painless as possible.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or concerns. I will answer them the best that I can. 

Have a wonderful week.



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful fall weather this weekend.

DRA Assessments: will continue during office hours this week. Thank you all for making sure your child is on zoom and ready for their assessment. It is really a pleasure to work one-on-one with each and every one of them!

Halloween Costumes: with Halloween on Saturday, we have decided to wear our costumes on zoom this Friday! It is also fine for your child to wear their costume during the week on the days that they have their special zoom classes in music, PE and art. All that teachers ask is that every student participate in a positive way. 

Report Cards: will be going out November 9th. Parent/teacher/child conferences are the week of November 9th. Please sign up on the document below.

Teacher/Parent/Student Conferences: Sign up for a conference here

Illuminate Report Card Student Portal: your child's private username and password will be shared at their conference. This is how you and your child can view and stay informed about grades and monitor progress.



Monday, October 12, 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I am going to be out for the week with family matters and wanted to let you know that your children and you are in good care with former Mountain 4-5 teacher, Reina Honig. She will be substituting for me all week. If you have questions or need assistance, please direct your inquiries to Reina at I will look forward to seeing everyone next Monday.

Sign Up for the DRA: Reading assessments are right around the corner--October 19th - October 30th. Please sign up for a time slot here during my office hours for your child to meet with me one-on-one over zoom. Your child must be in a quiet, private environment for this assessment which is free from distraction for 1 hour. I will be:

1. Listening to your child read and conducting a running record.
2. Having your child read the book over zoom cover to cover.
3. Having them complete their summary writing assessment.

Tables: As the weather turns, the office has made the decision to move the tables which are outside the PAC room to inside the PAC room.

That said, the PAC room hours will be: Monday through Friday 8:00 - 5:30.

**4th grade will still have items available by 3:00 p.m., but you will no longer be able to pick things up/drop things off over the weekend and if not retrieved by 5:30 on Friday, will need to wait until 8:00 Monday morning.

Cabrillo College: For the past several years, Cabrillo College has hosted 4th grade students on campus for a College Experience and Guided Tour.  This year, they are bringing the College Experience to us virtually!  This year's theme is “I am going to College” and it will feature three exciting yet simple interactive activities. 

Your Child will Experience: 

  • Pre-Event Activity - What is College? I will share a pre-recorded video on zoom, virtual tour of Cabrillo College with a 360 view of campus.  Students will have the opportunity to ask questions so the Cabrillo team can answer some of them during the Live Event. 

  • LIVE Event October 27, 9:30 am  -- “I’m Going To College” will feature a brief 15 minute live presentation featuring Cabrillo faculty, staff, and students!  

  • Post-Event Activity --will include a Kudoboard to thank students for participating in the 4th Grade Experience. 

Thank you and I will see you soon,


Monday, October 5, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful fall weather this weekend and got out a bit.

We have 2 large projects that are on the agenda this week:

1) Erosion Action Project: this is the project that ends the unit of study on the causes and effects of erosion. Please read and follow the instructions carefully before starting the project. There are 4 different choices your child can make for this Action Project depending on time and interest to demonstrate the learning here.

Choice  1: Make an erosion control model (physical or 3D model)

Choice 2: Cause and effect news report (video)

Choice  3: Create an advertisement (video or poster)

Choice  4: Plant a native tree or shrub


If you want to create a 3D digital model, click here to use Tinkercad (you may create an account) or your child may join our class with this link below: Class name: 4th Grade Tinkerers

Nickname: their first name all lower case

Click here to make an Adobe Spark video 

Click here to make a news article with Canva

Click here to make a poster or ad with Canva

Watch this quick video to learn more about native plants that call the San Lorenzo River home.

Click here to learn about native plants and where you can buy them. 

We will have a science padlet for the purpose of uploading and sharing projects when your child has finished. What can they upload? Pictures of physical models, plantings, posters, ads, news articles. They may also upload short videos. If they are creating a 3-D model on tinkercad they may share it there as they have a seat in our 4th Grade Tinkerers Classroom.

Due date: Monday October 12th

2. Business Proposal: this is a project that wraps up the unit on California Geography. Your child will need to create a business proposal for this. They are required to write out their proposals, first, in their writing notebooks using the google document here as a guide. Then, they may type their proposal on the google document once it has been shared with a teacher this week and given a thumbs up. 

Due date: Monday October 12th

Please let me know if you have questions about either project. We will be assisting all learners on zoom, but some parent guidance may be necessary to be sure that students feel successful and can achieve the goals of finishing the projects. 

**Help your child select choices for these projects that are within reach for them and you. It is perfectly fine to have a simple project and a simple business proposal. These do not need to be so elaborate that they are unattainable or stressful. Have some fun!

Have a good week.



Sunday, September 27, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend! Here are some important things we will be working on this week.

History Social Sciences Visual Review and Chapter 1 Assessment (Week 9.28.20).

Plan: teachers will work with students in whole and small groups on zoom to review and complete the history Visual Review and Assessment on Chapter 1 as test prep. Then, on Friday, I will post a google classroom/ digital assessment for students to take independently. Your child must have a paper copy of this Visual Review and Assessment packet that was picked up Friday, or you may print the packet from the PDF Lesson Folder.

We will help them: 

*understand that they need to go back and reread parts as a strategy.

*understand that they must have complete sentences for their answers.

*review the vocab. that is on the assessment--elevation, climate, resource, region, population

*understand what precipitation is

*understand rural vs urban

*understand/name a few features/resources of the 4 regions of CA (mountains, coast, desert, central valley)

*understand what infer means on page 41.

**You can help support your child by making sure they are reviewing lesson 3 from last week. Thank you for supporting your child with this learning.

Business Proposals: There is a short business proposal that is linked to the Geography of California that is in the history Social Sciences packet this week. We will actually be doing this next week.

Math: Order of Operations 

Science: Power of Erosion lesson 5 and 6

Readers Workshop /Novel: Little House in the Big Woods: Chapter 6-10

** DRA Assessment: I will be sending out information about this reading assessment shortly.

I hope you all have a great week!



Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! It is nice to have some fresh air again!! 


Your child will receive the DRA assessment in reading in October. Your child was assessed in 3rd grade in the fall and winter of last year. The schedule for this assessment along with information about how it will be conducted in a distance learning platform will be given out in the beginning of October. This is an aligned approach that is planned by the educators and administration. 

Your child will receive formative and summative assessments in math. At this time, your child should be: watching the daily video lesson, completing the lesson with the teacher and completing any assigned packet and workbook pages as independent practice. Let me be clear, homework and workbook pages are not assessments. They are practice. That said, it is important that you correct these pages with your child so that your child gets to see what is going well and where areas of need arise. Please have your child circle missed problems and when they join their small group the next day, those problems can be looked at with the adult and group. This is a crucial step in our partnership and provides opportunities for reteaching and support in small group. 

Singapore digital bench mark assessments are to be taken independently. It is perfectly fine if you would like to sit and work with your child on the learn, guided practice and assisted practice. However, the benchmark is their formative assessment on the teaching point and should be completed independently. This data is reviewed for small group work and reteaching purposes.

Times table packets went home the second week of school. Your child is responsible for having their math facts memorized 2's-12's. It's called automaticity. Your child should spend 5-10 minutes nightly on math facts until they are fluid. Here is the multiplication music that your child should listen to while pointing to and reciting their math facts on each page: "4 times 1 is 4, 4 times 2 is 8" and so on. This link will be on your child's daily schedule in the math section so that they have access to it as well. Here is the math facts checklist (for parents) that you should use to check off memorized and orally recited math facts.  Students should strive to have these under their belts by October 30th. At that time, please sign, scan and email these to me so that I can see how your child is progressing. I will assess students privately in the beginning of November. 

**Fourth grade math requires fluid math facts. Your partnership with this skill is vital and will help your child succeed in math now and in the future.

4th Grade Standards

Math: We are studying factors this week. I will dip into division, but the unit on division is coming, and it will be specifically studied in depth as we go through the operations in math.

Writing Project: The Book Review on The Tiger Rising was due last week.  Please make sure these are turned in on google classroom.  If you have not returned The Tiger Rising Novel in the box on the 4th grade table, please do so as soon as you are able. We really appreciate that!

New Novel: Little House in the Big Woods. We are beginning our study of one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's classics. There is a student Little House in the Big Woods web site that accompanies this novel which gives your child enrichment and access to questions, vocabulary, figurative language and videos on this wonderful book and brings it all to life! We will have some hands-on enrichment projects as well. There is a daily reading assignment and your child will answer questions for the novel on their reading log. They do no need to complete any website assignments at this time. This is just for digging deeper into the novel. I will show your children how to use this site as a helpful and powerful tool on zoom.

History Social Sciences: Chapter 3 "California's Human Geography" Your child has been assigned roughly 2 pages of reading per night in their packet Monday-Friday--refer to packet and Tuesday schedule for these page numbers. When time allows, we will discuss in greater detail. This is modeled on zoom.

Lesson 3: California’s Human Geography 

Monday: pages 26-28

Tuesday: pages 28-29

Wednesday: pages 30-32

Thursday: pages 32-33

Friday: pages 34-36

Science: please welcome special guest and educator Mollie Behn from the Coastal Water Shed on Monday at 9:30. She will join us with her colleague, Sam, in educating us about the San Lorenzo River and the power of erosion. These are enrichment pieces from a third party. There are activities to finish in the afternoon that are explained and scaffolded on zoom. Your child can write responses on the paper Coastal Watershed Journal.

Thank you,


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. 

Thank you again for attending the 4th Grade Back to School Night. I received many compliments on the evening and that kind of positive feedback is what builds strong relationships and success, especially in such unprecedented times. I also appreciate the questions that people emailed me directly, as asked. I know that those of you who are in direct communication are going to reap the benefits of what it means to be in contact with the educator in your child's life. 

Please be aware, as I stated at Back to School Night, the primary and intermediate grade spans may do things differently with individual time frames and with respect to best practices for the children we serve. Rest assured that assessments, meetings, conferences and the like are planned and aligned by those teams. As assessments are procured, vetted and prepared, parents will be informed of how and when these services will be delivered. The intermediate curriculum is dense. That said, there is a level of expectation that is placed on all learners, parents and educators. Many standards and skills are folded into the material and greater grit and stamina as well as a higher level of student posture is required. If you have questions about what skills are covered, please ask. You can also refer to the 4th Grade Standards.


Your child will receive the DRA assessment in reading in October. Your child was assessed in 3rd grade in the fall and winter of last year. The schedule for this assessment along with information about how it will be conducted in a distance learning platform will be given out in the beginning of October. This is an aligned approach that is planned by the educators and administration. 

Your child will receive formative and summative assessments in math. At this time, your child should be: watching the daily video lesson, completing the lesson with the teacher and completing any assigned packet and workbook pages as independent practice. Let me be clear, homework and workbook pages are not assessments. They are practice. That said, it is important that you correct these pages with your child so that your child gets to see what is going well and where areas of need arise. Please have your child circle missed problems and when they join their small group the next day, those problems can be looked at with the adult and group. This is a crucial step in our partnership and provides opportunities for reteaching and support in small group. 

Singapore digital bench mark assessments are to be taken independently. It is perfectly fine if you would like to sit and work with your child on the learn, guided practice and assisted practice. However, the benchmark is their formative assessment on the teaching point and should be completed independently. This data is reviewed for small group work and reteaching purposes.

Times table packets went home the second week of school. Your child is responsible for having their math facts memorized 2's-12's. It's called automaticity. Your child should spend 5-10 minutes nightly on math facts until they are fluid. Here is the multiplication music that your child should listen to while pointing to and reciting their math facts on each page: "4 times 1 is 4, 4 times 2 is 8" and so on. This link will be on your child's daily schedule in the math section so that they have access to it as well. Here is the math facts checklist (for parents) that you should use to check off memorized and orally recited math facts.  Students should strive to have these under their belts by October 30th. At that time, please sign, scan and email these to me so that I can see how your child is progressing. I will assess students privately in the beginning of November. 

**Fourth grade math requires fluid math facts. Your partnership with this skill is vital and will help your child succeed in math now and in the future.

Writing Project: we will be completing a book report on The Tiger Rising this week. This assignment has 4 parts: an introduction, a summary, a character paragraph, and a conclusion. This will be explained, modeled and supported on zoom in our writers workshop this week. Your child will need their novel and writing notebook at zoom. Students will be typing their book report on google classroom. (They may use voice to text to help with this assignment). We will use Step Up to Writing as the color coded organizational support. This has been used at Mountain for many years throughout the grades. Your child should be familiar with this format.

History Social Sciences: Chapter 2 "California Regions." Your child has been assigned 2 pages of reading per night in this packet Monday-Friday--refer to packet for those. When time allows, we will discuss in greater detail. This is modeled on zoom.

Science: please welcome special guest and educator Mollie Behn from the Coastal Water Shed on Monday at 9:00. She will join us with her colleague in educating us about the San Lorenzo River and the power of erosion. There are additional activities to finish in the afternoon that will be explained and scaffolded on zoom.

Thank you,


Monday, September 7, 2020

 Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Here is the weekly blog post to help keep you informed and connected to the 4th grade classroom.

I would like to welcome 2 SJSU student teachers to our zooms. Welcome Giselle and Sofia. We appreciate you volunteering your time! The SJSU teacher program is a vetted approved program to allow student teachers an opportunity to be in virtual classrooms to provide help, instruction and support to students and teachers in distance learning platforms.

**4th Grade Back to School Night: Thursday September 10th at 5:00

Meeting ID: 954 0846 4439
Passcode: Mountain4

ZOOM NORMS for your reference.

**Parents please use the 4th grade website: 
-schedules with checklists
-reading, writing and math resources
-reading logs
-links to sites

**Students use google classroom

-Please follow the daily schedule with checklist. It will build a routine and help your child and you navigate assignments and know when things are assigned and due. 

**Note: students cannot print from a chrome book: if you need to print something for your child,  go to the 4th grade website on a home computer and pull up the schedule on the website and click on the item you wish to print. If you are really stumped, please email me, and I will help you in a timely fashion.

-Here are the links to the sites we are currently using: 

-Zoom Meeting ID: 948 5071 9668 Passcode: mountain4
Zoom length: 1.5 hrs.

Monday Music Zoom Link

Tuesday and Thursday PE Zoom Link

Thursday Art Zoom Link
**These are on your child's daily schedule at the time they occur

  1. Click:  join 4th grade classroom

  2. Practice Approximation this week on Khan

-Foss Science login:

User Name: Mountainscience

Password: mountain

  1. Go to Singapore Digital 

  2. Example username: johnb 

School ID: 2ca0079

Password: Mountain3

**If you are new to Mountain School your Password is: Mountain4

-Accelerated Reader: All quizzes should be completed within 24 hours of finishing an AR book.
login convention for all students: 
Example User Name: janieb
Password: mountain

-Accelerated Reader Book Finder: Your child should be reading "good fit" books--on their reading level and interest level.  You can check to see that the books your child is choosing to read are in AR. If you put the title in and see the book pop up with information on reading level, points, and quiz #, you know that this is a good pick.  If you cannot find the book in the AR book finder, this is a book that has no quiz associated with it and no points.  This is not a good pick.

There is no login. This is a search engine to find good-fit books for your child. Try using the more sophisticated search options: "Advanced Search" and "Collections" to find many more books in your child's area of interest, reading level and wheel house. You can refine the searches and find better choices. Then, consider checking them out at the Mountain School Library or Public Library. 

The Blue Binder: This is a system to help your child manage and organize math lessons, math practice and math tools--pages or printouts to help with math lessons. Please help your child keep their lessons and papers organized. They may need a 3 hole punch to get those sheets into a binder.

The Red Binder: your child should have a red binder or another colored binder for Social Sciences, reading and writing. Please have your child keep these ELA (English Language Arts and Social Sciences) in this binder for easy reference.

Please pick up the weekly packet(s) in math, etc. on Fridays by 3:00 or after.  If you would like to print them out yourself, you will find weekly lessons in the PDF Lesson Folder on the 4th grade website on the home page drop down menu.

Math: whole numbers and place value up to the millions. Please continue to review math facts. This weeks teaching point is approximation and rounding; multiples and factors will follow in the next 2 week. There is a quiz or test every Friday on Singapore digital. Math lessons are taught asynchronously--a video taped lesson. Your child should watch the lesson and complete it with the teacher. Workbook pages are assigned with each lesson.

Your child should be practicing and memorizing their math facts. Although rather annoying, a rhyme or a musical chant is effective. If you prefer the paper version and doing it yourself. Please refer to the packet that went home in the first week of school.

History Social Sciences: California Geography Chapter 1: lesson 1, 2 and 3. This is a 3 week + unit. There is a project for each unit called a "quest." The quest for this first unit is making a business proposal. PLEASE DO NOT do this in advance. Your child needs to build their knowledge in the next 3 weeks, and then I will assign the project with directions. Look for paper packets on each lesson in the coming weeks for pick up. You may print them at home, if you desire, go to the PDF Lesson Folder on Fridays by 3:00. History assignments are on the Tuesday and Friday schedule. They are previewed on zoom and your child can finish up the day's assignment in the afternoon.

Science: Foss: Soil, Landforms and Rocks. Science assignments are on the Monday and Wednesday schedule. They are previewed by the teacher on zoom and your child can finish them up in the afternoon.

Read Aloud Lucy Calkin's NovelThe Tiger Rising

Readers Workshop: Synchronous lessons on zoom. There is a book review writing assignment upon completing of the book and lessons. Please look for that in the next 2 weeks. It will be teacher lead on zoom and assigned on google classroom.



Monday, August 17, 2020

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for a successful launch to our school year on the zoom and the distance learning platform. The kids are continuing to get the hang of things, and I will continue to guide and instruct them on how to use these digital tools. We will continue to practice and reinforce high student posture. ZOOM NORMS are here for your reference.

I wanted to provide some information for parents so that you can find things that you may need. Reminder, adults may not join the google classroom. It is just for students who are enrolled at Mountain School. 

**Students should use google classroom, here is a Sample schedule

**Parents should use the 4th grade website to find schedules with checklists, reading, writing and math resources, reading logs and links to sites that you and your child may need to navigate to. The home page and drop down menus at the top will navigate you to the items you seek. I will attempt to put schedules and resources on the site in a timely fashion. I cannot always works days and weeks in advance. Although I am going as fast as my feet will travel, it takes time to put together the schedules, etc.

**Note: students cannot print from a chrome book, that said, there may be times when you need to print something for your child. The website is, likely, the best place to attempt to locate a document you may need. If you are really stumped, please email me and I will try to help you in a timely fashion.

-Here are the links to the sites we are currently using as well as additional announcements and information.

-Zoom Meeting ID: 948 5071 9668 Passcode: mountain4

-Check out Our Awesome Summer in 4th Grade

-You will find the Music, PE and Art zoom links on your child's daily schedule and the teachers will be contacting you with that information as well. Their links are recurring, but I will always put them on your child's schedule so that they can click on the links right from the schedule they will be working on each day.

-Accelerated Reader: Your child was given instructions on how to successfully log into Accelerated Reader today in class. This was something Heather Treen used last year, so students should be familiar with it.  All quizzes should be completed within 24 hours of finishing a book (reading it cover to cover).
login convention for all students: 
Example User Name: janieb

Password: mountain

-Accelerated Reader Book Finder: Your child should be reading "good fit" books--on their reading level and interest level.  You can check to see that the books your child is choosing to read are in AR. If you put the title in and see the book pop up with information on reading level, points, and quiz #, you know that this is a good pick.  If you cannot find the book in the AR book finder, this is a book that has no quiz associated with it and no points.  This is not a good pick.

There is no login. This is a search engine to find good-fit books for your child. Try using the more sophisticated search options: "Advanced Search" and "Collections" to find many more books in your child's area of interest, reading level and wheel house. You can refine the searches and find better choices. Then, consider finding them at the Mountain School Library or Public Library.

**We will have some digital library alternatives for books shortly. We are working on procuring these. Thank you for your patience. 

The Blue Binder: This is a system to help your child manage and organize math lessons, math practice and math tools--pages or print outs to help with math lessons. Please help your child keep their lessons and papers organized. They may need a 3 hole punch to get those sheets into a binder.

**Please let me know, on the Beginning of the Year Parent Interview I sent last week, whether you plan to pick up weekly lessons from the 4th grade table on Fridays at 3:00 or print them out yourself. If you would like to print them out yourself, you will find weekly math lessons in the PDF Lesson Folder on the 4th grade website on the home page drop down menu.

Math: we will review whole numbers and place value up to the millions. We will continue to review math facts and begin to go forward in the coming weeks with estimation, approximation and rounding. We, as a general rule, have a test every Friday to assess the week's concepts. This will be on Singapore digital. This week, we will have a short quiz on Friday. 

History Social Sciences: Will start in the coming weeks as our staff aligns our distance learning platform.

Science: Foss curriculum on solid earth--land forms and soils will be forthcoming as our staff aligns this content for a distance program. 

Current Read Aloud and Lucy Calkin's NovelThe Tiger Rising

Growth Mindset video: I support best practices and a growth mindset in the classroom. To view an excellent video on this concept. Your child will view this in the classroom this week.

**4th Grade Back to School Night: Thursday August 27th at 5:00

Heather Young is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 3713 2556
Passcode: Xap19X



Monday, August 10, 2020

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for attending our short meeting this evening.

If you were not able to attend or would like to review, the meeting notes are here along with our zoom meeting link, zoom norms, and the schedule for the specials--PE, Art and Music. These teachers will have their own zooms in the afternoons. See the scheduled times and days below.

Zoom: 4th grade zoom link password: mountain4
-Connection, partnership, engagement, instruction (8:30-9:30 M-F to start)
-Whole group, breakout sessions, small groups, individual help.
-Office hours (11-12) 
-High student posture is required on zoom
-Come prepared to zoom daily with your chrome book, notebook, sticky notes, a pencil, math workbook, math lesson, etc. 
-Keep the things you are asked to bring to zoom in a bin or basket so that you are ready each morning.
-Listen to the instructions and engage with your teacher and classmates.
-Follow directions and practice as we go.
-participate and ask for help in the zoom.

Specials--Music, PE, Art:

-Music: 4th Monday 12:30-1:10

-P.E. 4th Tuesday 1:10-1:45
-P.E. 4th Thursday 1:10-1:45

-Art: 4th Thursday 2:30-3:10

** Specials start the week of the 17th. I will be present at these zooms for the first 2 weeks, but the specialist teachers will be sending out their own zoom links. I will put a reminder on our daily schedule, however, to remind you and your child of these afternoon special classes.

I welcome your feedback and partnership and look forward to seeing you and your children on Wednesday morning!

Take care,


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hello Everyone,

We are in the home stretch. We will finish our last week of academics and wrap that up by Friday June 5th. Please be sure your child has turned in all google classroom assignments by 3:00 p.m. on Friday. We will be working on report cards and emailing those out by June 12th.  

We have our final zooms on Monday June 8th and Tuesday June 9th. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed being your child's teacher this year and have celebrated getting to know all of you as caring parents and community members here at Mountain School. This was a very different kind of year for all of us, and I am impressed with how resilient we all have been. Your children have done a fantastic job of growing, maturing and meeting many challenges this year.

Important dates and messages:

1. Summer CAASPP Practice Recommended:CAASPP Practice Link
This year, the CAASPP practice link is being shared with families for "at home" practice. This is recommendedPlease take a look at these resources with your child. Go onto the practice and training tests website. Select student interface practice and training tests. Sign in for a guest session so your child does not need an ID. select grade 4. Your child should practice the following tests: Math practice test and Math performance task; and the training test for ELA grades 3-5. The answers are not scored, but there is value in looking at the questions together and discussing how to select the best answer to multiple choice questions and looking at how to answer those prompts that require a written response. Your child should practice 1 of each kind of test. This also gives your child a chance to practice the fourth grade CAASPP in preparation for the fifth grade CAASPP next year.

2. Summer Khan Academy Math Practice recommended
topics to focus on: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, measures, decimals, area and perimeter, graphs, line plots, volume, geometry

Last 4th grade zoom: Tuesday June 9th
*Teachers have been asked by administration to put together optional recommended schedules for Wednesday and Thursday. There are no grades or turn in requirements for these optional recommendations. These optional schedules, which will be light, will be available on the website under the home menu in schedules. Because many of you will have returned chrome books by this time, your child will need to use a different device to access these.

Chromebook return and check in: Tuesday June 9th from noon - Friday June 12th @ noon

Music and PE last day-- Monday June 8th

Last day of Art--Thursday June 4th

Art work: please pick up your child's art projects that are in the fourth grade box on the table outside our classroom. 

Report cards--emailed by teachers to parents by June 12th

Singapore Digital Math Practice-- please make sure your child is wrapping up their digital math practice. Many children are not finished with this practice. 

Google Classroom-- please check in with your child on their chrome book for google classroom assignments and be sure all of those are turned in by Friday June 5th at 3:00 p.m.

Thank you all for your wonderful support,


Monday, May 18, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful spring weather and the bird activities in our area with your children.

I have a list of some of the important dates and items that I would like to communicate and share with you:

CAASPP Practice Link
This year, the CAASPP practice link is being shared with families for "at home" practice. This is recommendedPlease take a look at these resources with your child. Go onto the practice and training tests website. Select student interface practice and training tests. Sign in for a guest session so your child does not need an ID. select grade 4. Your child should practice the following tests: Math practice test and Math performance task; and the training test for ELA grades 3-5. The answers are not scored, but there is value in looking at the questions together and discussing how to select the best answer to multiple choice questions and looking at how to answer those prompts that require a written response. Your child should practice 1 of each kind of test. This also gives your child a chance to practice the fourth grade CAASPP in preparation for the fifth grade CAASPP next year.

Art work: please pick up your child's art projects that are in the fourth grade box on the table outside our classroom. Mary Beth will let me know whether or not there are additional pieces that require a pick up in the next week as well.

Last 4th grade zoom and instructional day of school: Tuesday June 9th
* Teachers have been asked to put together optional recommended schedules for Wednesday and Thursday. There are no grades or turn in requirements for these optional recommendations.

Chromebook return and check in: Tuesday June 9th from noon - Friday June 12th @ noon

Music and PE last day-- Monday June 8th

Last day of Art--Thursday June 4th

Report cards--emailed by teachers to parents by June 12th

Singapore Digital Math Practice-- please make sure your child is wrapping up their digital math practice. Many children are not finished with their decimal practice. This is especially important if your child struggles with the material.

Google Classroom-- please check in with your child on their chromebook for google classroom assignments. They can complete assignments and turn them in for credit. 

We are in the home stretch, now.

Thank you all for your wonderful support,
