Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I hope all of you and your families enjoyed the spring break and that everyone is rested and healthy.

I am continuing to streamline paper assignments as I move us increasingly toward google classroom and digital website and assignments. Moving forward, there will be a paper math lesson for the week which can be printed off at your home from the PDF folder on the 4th Grade Website under the "Home" menu. If you prefer to pick up a copy at the fourth grade table outside our classroom, I will have copies there as well that you may help yourself to.

**Reminder: our zoom will have a password starting on Tuesday, 4/14/20.

Password: mountain4

Here are the participation and expectations for distance learning as we move forward together for the next nine weeks:

Participation and Expectations:
  1. Participation in each content area is expected and grades will be assigned.
  2. We are committed to engaging student learning as a Mountain School community.
  3. We embrace the challenge to help prepare students to return to on-campus learning in the fall. 
  4. It is invaluable that students continue to participate in teacher-led learning so that their academic skills can be maintained and increased. Zoom, etc.
  5. Performance Assessment/Grades: teachers will track participation and submitted work so that students receive credit for at-home learning.

Paper assignments for each week (click on the PDF Folder to print at home or pick up a copy from the school, if you prefer):
1. Math lesson for the week 4/13/20: Thousandths pages 24-26

Digital classroom assignments on google classroom that require your child to complete and then hit the turn-in button include the following:
1. Science questions for comprehension--when assigned
2. History--customized assignments on the Missions, for example
3. Writing--on extreme weather report
4. Spelling/grammar/word work--embedded in units of study, on websites and google classroom--when assigned
5. Schedules
6. P.E. logs from Ms. Fleming--When complete, turn in

These teachers do not require their assignments to be turned in on google classroom:
1. Music lessons from Ms. Conway
2. Art lesson from Mary Beth--MB would like finished art shared to her by email:

Websites where work is displayed automatically:
1. Singapore Primary Math Digital
2. ReadWorks
3. Book Creator
4. FOSS Science (ebook)
5. My World History Social Sciences by Pearson Realize--when assigned

**The office is open from 8:30-2:30 with social distancing protocols still in place.

Directions on how to keep your child reading good-fit books that have AR reading quizzes associated with them on myON:

1. First, go to AR Book Find, select "advanced search" SEE SCREENSHOT BELOW
2. Scroll down to "additional criteria"
3. Select: myON books, myON book all, fiction, English
4. Select: "reading practice" for quiz type
5. Select: "middle grade (4-8)" for interest level
7. You can narrow the search further by putting in an author, title, publisher or ISBN; but remember, myON will not have every book your child may want to read. They have thousands of titles, but not all books will be there, so please help your child be a bit boarder in their searches for books.
8. Once your child has found a myON book in the AR book find that they want to read, copy the title to paste into the myON search bar. 
9. Go to myON 
School Name: Read at Home
Username: readnow
Password: myon
10. Paste the title of the book into the search bar on myON. Check to be sure the AR quiz number is the same. Many books have the same or similar titles. The book will come up immediately, and your child can select "i" for information on the book to check to be sure the AR quiz numbers match. Then, your child can select "read". Your child can begin reading knowing that when they are finished with their book, they can visit the AR quiz site and take their reading quiz within 24 hours. 

I frequently check on reading quizzes for all students within AR. I give updates/progress reports with a screenshot if your child is NOT quizzing every 2-3 weeks so that parents are aware of progress. For students who are on track with their reading and quizzing, I will not create a progress report/screenshot. If you are concerned, please let me know, and I am happy to update you.

Thank you for supporting your child and me with their distance learning and reading.



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